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Signs That Your Loved One May Need Memory Care

Senior with glasses looking off into the distance out the window.

As our loved ones age, it can be challenging to recognize when they might need additional support, particularly with memory-related issues. For families facing dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, memory care can provide specialized care and security. If your loved one is struggling with daily tasks, forgetting recent events, or exhibiting behavioral changes, it may be […]

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How Respite Care Improves Quality of Life for Seniors

Caring for an aging parent is a labor of love filled with rewarding moments and significant challenges. But so much responsibility can become overwhelming for family caregivers, especially when caring for someone with memory issues.  Respite care is a care option that allows you to take a step back from caregiving–whether you need a well-deserved […]

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How to Tell if Your Loved One Needs Memory Care

A senior woman in memory care laughing with her caregiver.

Dementia is a little more complicated than it first appears. This group of conditions doesn’t just affect a person’s memory—it can quickly impact a person’s behavior, cognitive abilities, and even their ability to communicate. While memory care can help preserve your loved one’s quality of life, it’s easy to miss the early signs of dementia. […]

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How to Prevent Caregiver Burnout

A young caregiver handing a smiling senior woman a cup of tea in respite care.

Caregiving is a noble and rewarding endeavor, especially when done for a family member. But it’s also incredibly demanding, and often carries a significant emotional and physical toll. If you constantly feel exhausted, and have noticed a decline in your mental health, then you’re likely dealing with something called “caregiver burnout.” So how can you […]

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Early Warning Signs of Dementia

An older adult rearranging word blocks that spell 'dementia.

Dementia, a term that encompasses a range of cognitive and behavioral disorders, primarily affects older adults, although it can sometimes manifest in younger individuals. Early detection is crucial for managing the condition effectively and planning for the future. The most common signs of dementia usually include the following:  What Is Dementia? Dementia is not a […]

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Questions To Ask When Choosing a Memory Care Community

An older adult woman in a memory care community sitting on a chair smiling and having a conversation with a staff member.

When a loved one is diagnosed with any type of dementia, it can be complicated. These conditions can have a significant effect on a person’s life, but fortunately, you can find professional help through a memory care community.  These communities are designed to address the unique challenges often caused by dementia and cognitive decline. But […]

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